It wasn’t long ago when the India Meteorological Department announced that people could expect a hot summer with above normal temperatures. There was also a forecast that different parts of India could face heatwaves during March and May. Well, this means that it’s time to look for some cooling foods and drinks to beat the heat. Staying hydrated is the best way to deal with the scorching heat. Let’s take a look at some of the foods and drinks that can easily help you to stay hydrated.
Health Shots checked with Deepti Khatuja, Head – Clinical Nutritionist, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, for a list of summer-friendly foods and drinks.

Cooling foods and drinks
Coconut water is the first thing that pops up in people’s mind when they think of staying hydrated. Drinking coconut water is a great way to refresh and revitalise your body, as it has many vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. But there’s more than just coconut water.
1. Peppermint
Peppermint is known for its cooling properties due to its high menthol content, which gives the sensation of feeling cooler. You can make a hot or iced peppermint tea and drink it throughout the day, suggests Khatuja. While a cup of hot tea might seem like it will make you feel hotter, drinking hot drinks might actually help you to sweat more and help to cool down your body.
2. Buttermilk
Drinking buttermilk or chhaas might help to cool down your body and even improve metabolism. It’s full of probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that will help to restore your body’s natural energy if you’re feeling drained by the heat.
3. Fenugreek tea
Sipping a cup of fenugreek tea might help to bring on a sweat, allowing you to cool off, says the expert. Fenugreek might also be useful in getting rid of some excess fluid and detoxifying the body.
4. Fruits
Watermelon tops the list of cooling fruits, but there are others too. Fruits like apples, apricots, cranberries are all loaded with antioxidants that help to get rid of cell-damaging free radicals and suppress inflammation. Once that happens, your body will feel cooler.
5. Yogurt
Yogurt has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also an excellent source of calcium. You can have it right from the container or mix it with cooling fruits or nuts and make smoothies. To make things cooler, add a bit of ice to your drink. What’s more? Yogurt can help in your weight loss journey as well!

6. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is great for skin. That’s why you see women using aloe vera gel for glowing skin. It is also a star ingredient in many skin care and hair care products. Turns out, its leaves and inner gel can be eaten to help lower body temperature, says the expert.
While taking sips of these chilled drinks and cooling foods, don’t forget to eat your vegetables. Have lots of vegetables such as celery, cucumber, and cauliflower as well. They will also help to fight the summer heat. You can eat these foods raw in the form of a salad. But make sure to wash them properly before digging in!
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